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The World of Web GIS: Connecting Geography And Data

Web GIS is a relatively new term to many companies, while they’re familiar with GIS in general, web GIS is not as well known.

In today’s digital age, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have become indispensable tools for understanding and visualizing spatial data. GIS data is very important to many different industries. The integration of GIS with the web has led to the emergence of Web GIS, a dynamic and interactive platform that enables users to access, analyze, and share geospatial information over the internet. In this article, we’ll delve into what Web GIS is, its key components, and its wide-ranging applications.

What is Web GIS?

Web GIS, short for Web Geographic Information Systems, is a technology that combines the power of GIS with the accessibility and flexibility of the internet. It allows users to access and interact with geographic information and maps through web browsers, making it possible to collaborate, analyze, and present spatial data in real-time from anywhere in the world.

Key Components of Web GIS

  1. Geographic Information System (GIS): At the core of Web geographical information systems is a traditional GIS, which consists of hardware, software, data, and users. The GIS software processes and analyzes geographic data, while the hardware and data store and manage this information. Users can be GIS professionals, researchers, government agencies, businesses, or the general public.
  2. Web Mapping: This type of GIS relies heavily on web mapping technologies to display geospatial data in an interactive and user-friendly manner. Popular web mapping libraries and APIs, such as Leaflet, OpenLayers, and Google Maps, enable developers to create maps that can be easily embedded into websites and applications.
  3. Spatial Databases: To efficiently manage and retrieve geospatial data, Web GIS often relies on spatial databases. These databases store geographic information and allow for spatial queries, which are essential for tasks like finding nearby locations or overlaying multiple datasets.
  4. Web Services: Web services are a crucial component of this GIS, as they facilitate data sharing and interoperability. Services like Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Feature Service (WFS) enable users to access map images and geographic features from various sources.
  5. User Interface: User-friendly interfaces are essential for Internet GIS applications. These interfaces allow users to interact with maps, perform spatial analyses, and access relevant information easily.

Applications of Web GIS

  1. Environmental Management: This type of GIS in monitoring environmental changes, tracking wildlife populations, managing natural resources, and assessing the impact of human activities on ecosystems. It helps organizations make informed decisions to protect the environment.
  2. Urban Planning: City planners use this GIS to analyze demographic data, plan transportation networks, optimize land use, and make cities more sustainable. It enhances public engagement by allowing citizens to provide input on proposed projects.
  3. Disaster Management: During natural disasters, Web GIS helps authorities coordinate response efforts by providing real-time information on affected areas, evacuation routes, and resource allocation.
  4. Business Intelligence: Businesses use this GIS type to gain insights into market trends, customer behavior, and location-based marketing. It enables them to make data-driven decisions regarding site selection and expansion.
  5. Public Health: Web GIS plays a vital role in tracking disease outbreaks, managing healthcare resources, and analyzing the spread of infectious diseases. It aids in identifying high-risk areas and planning public health interventions.
  6. Education and Research: This GIS has revolutionized education and research by making geospatial data and tools accessible to students, academics, and researchers worldwide. It encourages collaborative research and learning.

In Closing

Web GIS has democratized access to geographic information, making it an indispensable tool across various industries and sectors. Its ability to connect data and maps through web-based platforms has transformed the way we analyze and visualize spatial data. Whether it’s addressing environmental challenges, planning urban spaces, responding to disasters, or improving business strategies, Internet GIS is at the forefront of modern data-driven decision-making, enhancing our understanding of the world around us. As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more innovative applications and solutions to emerge from the exciting world of GIS.


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GIS Data Overview

Thanks for checking out our GIS Data Overview. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are becoming increasingly important in a wide range of industries, real estate, agriculture, energy, government, healthcare, and environmental management. GIS data is an integral part of these systems, providing users with a wealth of spatial information that can be used to make informed decisions.

In this GIS Data Overview, we’ll be discussing what GIS Data is, how it’s used, key components, types, sources, and the applications that are used for GIS.

What is GIS Data?

GIS data is information that has a geographic or spatial component. It includes data that is associated with a particular location, such as maps, satellite imagery, and demographic data. GIS data is often used to analyze and visualize patterns and relationships between different types of data. It can be anything from a simple point on a map to complex multilayered datasets.

The most common types of GIS data are:

  1. Point data: These are single geographic locations, such as the location of a building, tree, or fire hydrant.
  2. Line data: These are linear features, such as roads, rivers, or pipelines.
  3. Polygon data: These are two-dimensional shapes that represent areas, such as land parcels, lakes, or counties.
  4. Raster data: These are continuous data sets, such as satellite imagery or elevation data, that are divided into small cells or pixels.
  5. Attribute data: These are non-spatial data that are associated with geographic features, such as the population density of a city or the average temperature of a region.

How is GIS Data Used?

GIS data is used in a variety of applications, from simple mapping to complex analysis. Some common uses of GIS data include:

  1. Mapping: GIS data is used to create maps that display spatial information in a visual format. These maps can be used to display everything from political boundaries to the location of cell towers.
  2. Analysis: GIS data is used to perform spatial analysis, which involves using statistical techniques to analyze spatial data. This can be used to identify patterns or relationships between different geographic features.
  3. Planning: GIS data is used in urban planning, environmental management, and other applications where understanding the spatial relationships between different features is important.
  4. Decision-making: GIS data is used to make informed decisions about everything from land use to emergency response planning.
  5. Visualization: GIS data is used to create 3D visualizations of geographic features, allowing users to explore the landscape from different perspectives.

What are the Key Components of Geographic Information Systems Data?

GIS data is made up of several key components, including:

  1. Spatial reference: GIS data must have a spatial reference, which defines the location and orientation of the data within a geographic space.
  2. Data structure: GIS data can be structured in a variety of ways, depending on the type of data and the application.
  3. Data quality: GIS data must be accurate, reliable, and up-to-date to be useful. This requires careful data collection and quality control procedures.
  4. Metadata: GIS data must be accompanied by metadata, which provides information about the data source, accuracy, and other important details.
  5. Data management: GIS data must be carefully managed to ensure that it remains accurate and up-to-date over time. This requires a robust data management system that includes version control, data backup, and security measures.

What are the Challenges of GIS Data?

Despite its many benefits, GIS data also presents a number of challenges, including:

  1. Data interoperability: GIS data can be stored in a variety of formats, which can make it difficult to share and integrate with other data sources.
  2. Data accuracy: GIS data must be accurate to be useful, but achieving this level of accuracy can be difficult, particularly in areas where data collection is challenging.
  3. Data privacy: GIS data can contain sensitive information, such as the location of critical infrastructure or the movements of individuals. This requires careful attention to data privacy and security measures.
  4. Data management: GIS data can be complex and difficult to manage, particularly in large organizations or in areas with many data sources.
  5. Data access: GIS data can be expensive to access, particularly for smaller organizations or individuals.

GIS Data: An Overview of Geographic Information Systems

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are an essential tool for analyzing, visualizing, and managing spatial data. GIS is a rapidly growing field that is used across industries, including urban planning, environmental science, geology, epidemiology, and many others. This article will provide an overview of GIS data, including its types, sources, and applications.


Types of Geographic Information Systems Data

There are several types of GIS data, including:

  1. Vector data: Vector data represents geographic features as points, lines, and polygons. Examples of vector data include roads, buildings, and land-use boundaries.
  2. Raster data: Raster data represents geographic features as a grid of cells, each with a value. Examples of raster data include satellite imagery and digital elevation models.
  3. Tabular data: Tabular data includes non-spatial data that is associated with a particular location. Examples of tabular data include demographic data and weather data.

Sources of GIS Data

GIS data can come from a variety of sources, including:

  1. Government agencies: Many government agencies, such as the U.S. Census Bureau, provide GIS data for free or at a low cost.
  2. Commercial data providers: There are many commercial providers of GIS data, such as Google and Microsoft, who provide data for a fee.
  3. Open data sources: There are many open data sources, such as OpenStreetMap, that provide free GIS data.

Applications of GIS Data

GIS data is used across a wide range of industries and applications, including:

  1. Urban planning: GIS data is used to analyze and visualize land use, transportation networks, and demographics to inform urban planning decisions.
  2. Environmental science: GIS data is used to analyze and visualize environmental data, such as pollution levels and habitat fragmentation, to inform environmental management decisions.
  3. Geology: GIS data is used to analyze and visualize geological data, such as mineral deposits and fault lines, to inform resource management decisions.
  4. Epidemiology: GIS data is used to analyze and visualize disease outbreaks and patterns of disease transmission to inform public health decisions.


GIS data is a powerful tool for analyzing, visualizing, and managing spatial data. With the ability to integrate data from a variety of sources, GIS data has a wide range of applications across industries. By understanding the types and sources of GIS data, and the applications of GIS data, professionals can use GIS to make informed decisions that have a positive impact on society.

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What Is GIS Data?

If you’re new to GIS data, don’t know where to start, or you just don’t understand how GIS data can help you, this guide is going to be for you. GIS may appear complex, in many ways it can be, but it can also be very beneficial to your company. Once you’re done with this article, not only will you be aware of the fundamentals of GIS but also possess an expanded and accurate word bank to confidently engage in conversations about GIS and its related technologies.

What Is GIS?

Through a Geographic Information System (GIS), you can unify location-based data with attributes and other descriptive characteristics. This technology allows for the creation, management, analysis, and mapping of all types of spatial information which creates powerful insights into where things are located along with what they’re like in that area. By leveraging GIS, you can comprehend relationships and patterns, as well as their geographical context. This resource is integral for science and practically every industry! The advantages of using this tool are vast: improved communication between users, amplified efficiency in tasks completed, plus better management decisions that have emerged from efficient analysis.

Location details in the GIS industry are commonly termed “spatial data.” These could come as an address, a set of coordinates showing latitude and longitude, or complex three-dimensional shapes. Rather than delve into semantics or get bogged down with technical terms, it’s likely you are here to learn what most people mean when they say “GIS” and its worthiness for your organization.

How Is GIS Data Used?

Countless numbers of companies across the globe, from virtually every industry, are harnessing the power of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). By using GIS to create maps that communicate and analyze data efficiently, businesses have been able to share information easily and solve complex problems. This revolutionary technology is transforming how we do business on a global scale!

GIS can do a lot, but it is essentially used to create maps from data. What’s more – the maps that are created will show you spatial relationships between different elements in your data set, allowing for comprehensive and insightful analysis of your information.

This type of technology can help you with;

  • Monitoring changes
  • Forecasting
  • Identifying problems, issues, concerns
  • Event management and responses
  • Understanding trends
  • Setting priorities

People can easily identify patterns when they are displayed in a visual way, like a graph, table, chart, or map. A lot of time and effort can be saved. Things that might take an hour or two to find in a spreadsheet can be found faster if a map, table, or chart is used instead.

By utilizing map and interactive displays, the sky’s the limit for uncovering useful insights in your data. This could include plotting markers or color coding locations based on the values each would possess; thus enhancing your exploration capabilities. Creating heat maps showing areas of greater or lesser value are another option you have.

With so many options at hand, there is an inexhaustible supply of potential discoveries just waiting to be tapped into.

  • Maps: Maps are an efficient way to store, view and share data layers and analytics with virtually anyone in the world. GIS maps can be easily embedded into applications for added convenience, allowing users access from any device at any location.
  • Analysis: Spatial analysis can help you understand the potential and suitability of a geographic area, forecast outcomes, interpret data in new ways, and much more – offering valuable insight to inform your decisions.
  • Data: Geographical Information Systems (GIS) harnesses several types of data layers by connecting them to a geographic component. This combination of information from imagery, features, and basemaps with spreadsheets and tables creates the powerful GIS data tool.
  • Apps: GIS Apps are designed to simplify the task of getting work done and make geo-spatial data more accessible for all. These apps can be used anywhere – from cell phones, to tablets, web browsers and desktops! Regardless of where you access them, these applications provide an incredibly focused user experience so that everyone can take advantage of their benefits.

Who Uses GIS?

Here at BIS, we use GIS data to work with government agencies. Governments are not the only one that can benefit from GIS, there’s a wide range of sectors where this technology is building strong, efficient, data driven relationships.

How Much Does GIS Costs?

Yes, GIS is an investment, it’s going to cost you money. However, there are both free and paid GIS options you can choose from. It all depends on your unique scenario and what you’re trying to accomplish.

If you want to get an estimate, give us a call or fill out our contact form, we can then give you an estimate based on your unique situation. It would be tough to give an estimate on GIS data costs without knowing the specifics of what you need and what you’re trying to accomplish.

Final Thoughts

While we did have an opportunity to discuss GIS data in this article, there’s still a lot more you can learn about GIS. Here at TCGD, we have many articles that cover GIS data in-depth, so be sure to check those out. 

If you have questions about GIS, want to learn more, need a quote, or need anything else, we’re always here to help. Be sure to reach out and our team will be with you right away.